Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Ah, the glorious plans for a new year. Notice I said "plans" and not resolutions. I don't do well with resolutions, plans on the other hand seem a bit more user-friendly. 😉 My plan for this year is to try and blog and craft more regularly.

To that end, here is the first view of my desk for 2017. Wait, is that a Christmas card??? Isn't Christmas over for another year? The short answer is yes and yes, but I have decided to do what I did last year and make 5 cards each month for the year so that I have an ample stash ready to send out. I have learned that if I leave it to the bitter end, no one gets a Christmas card and I feel guilty that I didn't do it yet again. I'm a card maker for goodness sake so get it together woman!

Come and play along with Julia and show us what you're up to. There's no maximum occupancy so everyone is welcome to come over and party.

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Stampin'!


  1. Hi Michelle, totally agree about the Christmas card making. Last year, for the first time, I made them all year, and the lack of stress come November- my usual start time- was amazing.Have a good week, Hugs, Shaz #3 xx

  2. i admire such commitment. It sounds like work! have a productive inspiring year.

  3. That's what I've done since having the same epiphany a couple of years back ... I ended up making them right up to Christmas Eve that year - NEVER AGAIN!! Yours looks great btw

    Happy WOYWW


  4. Happy New Year, Michelle. Totally agree with you. Make a few every now and again, and suddenly you find you have sufficient without having a nervous breakdown because the Post Early For Christmas signs are up!!!
    It's a great looking card. Well done.
    Take ca5re. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  5. What a GREAT idea!!! I might not be able to make 5, but even 2 or 3 would be fantastic. MUST do this!! And I'm really getting into folded cards, and yours look awesome! Happy New Year! Lindart #37 PS: do you have a link on how to make that card?

  6. Happy New Year! Now that I've put all my Christmas stash away, I should try to follow your example. I know my creativity was challenged this year! Maybe I'll take a few stamps out that I never got to and keep them front and center! And like you, resolutions never hold, but plans have a way of staying focused. Have a great week.
    -K #45

  7. Happy New Year. I agree, resolutions and me are not good friends. Love the card.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #8

  8. Ah Michelle, I'm the same about resolutions, I too have plans and one or two aims! I find I'm in the mood to make a few Christmas cards over the holiday, but not sure I can sustain it every month ....respect!

  9. I never do resolutions either... but this year my focus word is "better"... if I can be better, do better, feel better.... you get the idea.

    I think cards happen when they are ready to.. so why shouldn't Christmas cards be made in January.. after all, it is the time we are most Christmas inspired!

    Happy New Year :)
    Erika #27

  10. Lovely card. I often think it's a good time to make them now while you still feel in the festive mood. Happy New Year and happy woyww, Angela x 18

  11. Please continue to inspire me to make Christmas cards throughout the year. Once again I did not send out Christmas cards because I waited. I need to get it together too! LOL April #37

  12. resolving to do something puts my hackles up and I dig in and don't do it...the word just jars my teeth for some reason...maybe when Mom boxed my ears and told me I needed to resolve not to do something... Love the card and I might out to follow along with several people and make cards year round. Made about 20 but didn't send those out cause I didn't want to hear from anyone they didn't get one. I know...grouchy little post! Happy New Year! Vickie #12
