Friday, January 13, 2017

Rock Your World Friday--Week 2

Once again it's Friday and time to join in with Virgina and look back at what's been going on this week.

The biggest thing this week was Mr R's birthday on Wednesday. We actually had an afternoon appointment at home that day so were were able to leave work about 6 hours earlier than usual. This gave us most of the afternoon to spend together which was fab. Sadly, that evening, the birthday boy had an attack of his Chrones which made for a sleepless night for both of us, but it did give us an unscheduled day off work on Thursday.

I managed to spend some crafty time at my desk over the weekend and I made time for it a couple of evenings too. I was a "last minute Lucy" in making Mr R's card, but it did get done in time 😌. Speaking of birthday cards, last year I had such fun when I offered to send a birthday card to anyone who wanted one, I'm going to do it again this year. Send me a message with your birthday and address to and I'd be happy to send you some birthday cheer. I am willing to post anywhere in the world so please join in if you are so inclined.

Managed to have a chat with my oldest friend (we've known each other since we were about 2 years old!). It doesn't matter how much time has passed since we've spoken, we just fall right back into where we were.

That's about it for this week my friends. I'll just add a couple of funnies for Annie and Co to smile at.

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Stampin'!


  1. Hi Michelle, It's great that you are joining in with Virginia and with Annie. Of course I remember you from WOYWW. I don't join in with that anymore as I'm not crafting at themoment, but I will go back as soon as I have anything to show for.
    I think you sent me a card for my birthday last year. And it was the most beautiful card I received. I get very few cards as they don't 'do' cards here in Spain. So I agree that it is an excellent idea to make someone happy.
    I had to smile at your funnies. Funny is an F word too, so that will be my third fav F word...
    Have a good week and keep smiling!

  2. Sorry to read your husband's Chrones flared up on his birthday. That was too bad, but at least you had Thursday off, too.

    I liked the funnies you shared, especially anything that has to do with food! Have a great Friday and rest of the weekend.

  3. So sorry to hear about your hubbys health problems but you have even found positives in the bad situation. Let's hope he keeps well now and your time together can be enjoyable for you both. Loved the funnies.
    Annie x

  4. Hope hubby's health problems improve hun, other than that I'm loving that you have some happies. Catching up with old friends is always awesome! Hope you have a fabulous weekend and week ahead. Much love

  5. I am glad you got a card made in time for the birthday. It is a shame the day was spoiled by your husband's health issues. I hope he has recovered well for this time.
    The catch-up with an old friend sounds good.
    Enjoy your weekend. Kate x

  6. What a lovely idea the 'sending birthday cards' is. I need to investigate this as it is lovely to get cards for your birthday and if someone hardly gets any it would be nice to add one to the fold so to speak.
    Sorry about the Chrones flare up - my mum had it so I do understand what an awful thing it can be, I also worked with someone who had it and used to look after her little dog when she went into hospital (yes, she used to get hospitalised).
    Thanks for the F for Funnies - nice to see you can still smile and share the smiles despite sleepless nights.
    Hugs, Neet xx
