Friday, February 17, 2017

Rocking Your World--Week 7

Yay, it's Friday! That means two things first I'm done with work for the week and it's a long weekend here so woohoo three days off and second it's time to visit with Virginia and Annie.

The little Gorgeous celebrated her third birthday on Monday so we had some gifts and cake at home since she had her party with friends last week. It snowed heavily all weekend so Nana and Papa didn't make it out to get birthday wrapping paper. That meant that all her gifts were wrapped in Christmas paper. Not that she noticed--I think the paper lasted all of 5 seconds 😂

The icky weekend weather did mean that I got to spend some quality couch time with Mr R and I got to spend time in the craft corner. That's a win-win as far as I'm concerned.

And the mid-season premiere of The Walking Dead aired on Sunday. Weirdo I may be, but it's my favorite show and I've been missing it.

The rest of the week has been pretty quiet which suits me just fine. We got some more snow, but not as much as over the weekend.

Now I'm just gearing myself up to pick up my parents tomorrow and make the trek to my sister's in Ottawa to drop them off for a few weeks visit. Ten hours round trip is not making me smile, but it will be good for them to get away so trek I must.

In honour of the not so lovely snowstorm, here are a few funnies.

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week.

Happy Stampin'!


  1. Hehehe. I'm laughing at your funnies today. We have had virtually no snow all winter ( just a light dusting a couple of times really) so that looks like another world to me......and brrrrrrrr very cold.
    Annie x

  2. Oh your funnies are funny but also horrible! How awful that weather! But living in Canada I suppose you are all used to it (doesn't mean you like it, I know...)
    A 10 hour round trip in icy weather doesn't sound like my ideal weekend activity, but your parents are going to love it. Does that mean you will have to do it again in two weeks time? Or is your sister bringing them back?
    Well, have a safe trip and enjoy your time with your sister and your parents.
    Keep smiling,

  3. Oh bless - that doesn't sound much fun snow wise, we have just had a grey week - cold at the beginning but we have a positively spring like feel to today - I hope you have a fabulous weekend and week ahead

    Much love

  4. Hi Michelle,

    Oh, love the funnies. Luckily we don't get snowfalls or freezing snow like that where I'm at. We do get snow as I live at 7500 feet in elevation. We actually need more snow, which according to the weatherman, should be arriving on Sunday. Perfect to have a nice weekend.

    Have a safe trip getting your parents! Hopefully you won't encounter any unsafe weather.

    Happy Friday and have a great weekend!


  5. Hi Michelle, love your funnies but pleased we don't have so much snow here. I love it when we go skiing but that's enough. We have only had a small covering this year at home. Enjoy your trip and hope they have a great visit. Have a lovely weekend, Angela xXx

  6. Hi Michelle, enjoyed your funnies - especially the last one which rings so true :) Hope the trek wasn't as gruesome as anticipated. Elizabeth xx

  7. I did smile at your funnies, especially the last one. That will be us in Spain in a few weeks time.
    It sounds as though you had a nice relaxing weekend. I do hope you stay safe on that long drive. I am sure your parents will appreciate it. Kate xx
